The FBI, CISA, and the Cyber Guard (CGCYBERs) warned of a serious vulnerability (CVE-2021-40539) in a single Zoho Signup and Password Management Solution that State Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors are actively scanning the internet for vulnerable servers.
Two OpenSSL vulnerabilities, one remote code execution, and a denial-of-service were discovered by network-attached storage device manufacturers, Synology and QNAP. The fear of a ransomware attack leveraging the vulnerabilities still remains high. Here is our analysis of the vulnerabilities.
On September 21, 2021, VMware published an advisory warning of nineteen vulnerabilities in their vCenter Server. Of the nineteen vulnerabilities, one CVE stands out as being extremely critical and potential to be exploited by ransomware—CVE-2021-22005.
In our recently published Ransomware Spotlight report 2020 we tracked down vulnerabilities that are being used by Ransomware to launch attacks on organizations worldwide. Here are a few surprising findings about old vulnerabilities in this report
Popular scanners such as Tenable, Qualys and Nexpose are missing 48 vulnerabilities out of 102 vulnerabilities. To help 18000 customers who have been affected, CSW team has come up with a script that would help detect SolarWinds Orion Product running on your network.